Interview with don titus of don titus residential designer llc on what brought him to residential houses

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Today Ian welcomes Don Titus on his show. Don starts off by sharing his backstory and what brought him to residential houses. Don and Ian then talk about the changing demands of the customers, with the emphasis being put on reconstruction rather than buying a new property. Don then explains how customers are more connected and invested in their houses if they remodel it, rather than when they buy a new one. Don explains then how each project varies in the amount of effort it takes for it to be completed and to make the customers happy. Don and Ian both discuss the reasons why people go through such a process and what is their main motivation for house renovation. Don then talks more about the joint effort of the client and the architect and what roles they play in this. Ian then asks Don how much of his work is affected by sustainability and the demand of clients for such services. Don then specifies and talks more about the process of creating a project that fits the client. In the guest outro, Don invites people to contact him and reveals a bit about his future ventures.


  • 0:00 – Guest Intro
  • 5:44 – Change Of Perspective
  • 8:12 – Loving The Change
  • 9:50 – Small And Big Steps
  • 12:09 – Change Of Life
  • 15:05 – Client And Architect
  • 16:23 – Sustainability
  • 17:47 – The Process
  • 22:11 – Guest Outro

About Don Titus:

Don assists his clients in creating the home they’ve always imagined. By working with them to re-create their existing house, or design a new one, he helps them tailor their homes to suit their unique lifestyles and needs. He works with clients throughout the greater Portland, Oregon area and beyond.

Know more about Don here:

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